
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Radio74: Season 5 Episode 6 - Visiting another Planet
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
The last time I did Planet Comicon, was 2016 I believe. Over 5 to 6 years have passed since I last attempted to sell my artwork at this show. But I had a chance to go on Saturday, wear a mask, and try and enjoy myself. I had a pretty good time, met some new artists, added to some of my collections, and managed to catch up with a few friends of mine.
I'm surprised I had a nervous energy about me when I was recording this, which was akin to the same energy I had on that day. Like it or not, the pandemic certainly has changed the parameters and interactions of so many aspects of this show, and I do wonder how the rest of the shows I am hoping to participate in for the rest of the year will play out. I don't have any control over that, so all I can hope for, is the best of whatever situations may arise.

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Radio74: Season 5 Episode 5 -Ups and Downs
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
The ups and downs of life feel at times to me, like an abandoned rollercoaster that sometimes I turn on and attempt to ride, unsuccessfully at times.

Friday Aug 06, 2021
Radio74: Season 5 Episode 4 -Tape and String
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
It's not an episode about Charlie Brown (I do have one of those planned in the near future), but this is my thoughts on the tape and string holding some of the societal and economic aspects I've witnessed and lived with.

Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Radio74: Season 5 Episode 3 - Full of Empty
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
There will be days when you feel full of empty. It could be the product of depression, an argument that was unavoidable, an off handed comment, anything like that, that in turn creates a downward spiral of feeling a void within yourself. I recently had that happen, and decided to put my own issues out there, like a moron.

Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Radio74: Season 5 Episode 2 - Successful Failure
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Earlier today, a friend of mine posed the question of if it was possible to feel like a success and a failure at the same time. Though I answered it online, I felt like this was ripe for a podcast story, and so here we are. Join me as I talk about being a successful failure, and why it might just be alright in the end. Maybe.

Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Radio74: Season 5 Episode 1 - Existential Dread
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Welcome to the new season of Radio 74, where tonight I go of all things, a weird and offbeat mindset reveal of my observations on existential dread. Don't listen if you're on a full stomach or on an empty washing machine.

Monday Jul 05, 2021
Radio74: Season 4 Episode 15 - Art Metaphor
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Finding parallels in my work between my mentality towards everyday life and trying out new things in art, is at once compelling, scary, and also enlightening. It's not always the most enjoyable thing, but it's been a journey that I feel needs to happen, and really should have been something that I looked at more seriously in myself, right out of college.

Friday Jun 18, 2021
Radio74: Season 4 Episode 14 - Mainstream NFTs
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Friday Jun 18, 2021
NFT items have been an off and on again debatable point amongst people these days, with growing frequency. Currently they seem to be the new hot investment or mental diversion to be into. I'm still not totally convinced that we should be as critical of the non existence that NFTs exist in. I try my best to not go off the rails in my latest observations on things in the digital realm, and what they are worth if anything.

Monday Jun 14, 2021
Radio74: Season 4 Episode 13 - Managing Memories
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Photographs, home movies, old toys, clothing, school supplies,... all carry memories that can stay at the forefront of my mind. Many of us experience this, with old items from our past years, to a familiar song coming on the radio, all that give us this instant time travel moment, often for the best reason. But it's so interesting to see that the more the memories can stay the same, the more we change how we regard those very moments, the more time separates us from them. I know for myself, that's become more of a challenge to keep them as sharp as they once were. So I fall to writing, photography, some physical objects, but especially video to keep them true for me, but somehow, it just doesn't seem like it's enough. Our imprints in life seem so fleeting, but is it egocentric to truly want to think about our legacies? Is it so terrible to want to be as exceptional as possible in the oh so short time we have on this planet?

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Radio74: Season 4 Episode 12 - Social Instancing
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
As social circles begin to open back up and close back in on being around one another, I begin to wonder if I'm ready for all of that. Have I forgotten how to interact, how to do social interaction? So much has indeed changed, and to what ends? I do miss people, I also miss being around members of the public in general, so why do I have anxiety over this?