
Sunday May 23, 2021
Radio74: Season 4 Episode 11 - Work isn't Everything
Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
After hearing about the passing of Kentaro Miura, the creator of the highly popular Manga "Berserk", I reflected once more upon the thoughts of work, and how it's not really everything, and if it is, then a need for change might be in order.

Thursday May 20, 2021
Radio74: Season 4 Episode 10 - Toxic Positivity
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
This one runs the gamut from dealing with the negatives that can suddenly show up, to long burning insecurities or self doubts that finally come to a head and burst. I also go a bit into how I felt at the last major office job I had, as well as the challenge and things I had to face to carve out a path that is at times unstable, but leading towards happier ends.

Friday Apr 09, 2021
Radio74: Season 4 Episode 9 -Stress
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Friday Apr 09, 2021
Stress. Join me tonight as I talk about the meaning of that word from what I'd been going through the last few days, and how I was trying to deal with all that I was going through.

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Radio74: Season 4 Episode 8 - Reality
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
A word that can be both comforting and jarring. Not necessarily in that order.
It’s a concept that by it’s very definition, is “something that is neither derivative nor dependent but exists necessarily”.
In recent years, I have struggled with what that word has come to mean across the board, from the ever present levels a large majority of people succumb to via media infusion from magazines to books, to focused or curated reality that we see via social media, to even the current state of political events and what we take from it.

Monday Dec 21, 2020
Radio74: Season 4 Episode 7 - Hector Garrido
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
There is a weird feeling that came over me when I found out the identity of an artist, too late to ever get the chance to say thank you. So he became the subject in part, of this new episode.

Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Radio74: Season 4 Episode 6 - the shirt
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Objects in our lives have meaning to us, and so much more. I had one particular item that took me back to the past in the most unexpected way.

Friday Nov 27, 2020
Radio74: Season 4 Episode 5 - the stairs
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
A moment that reaches a quiet zenith on the south stairs of the Nelson Atkins Museum.

Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Radio74: Season 4 Episode 4 - Thankful
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
A quick bit of thought as the afternoon settles on this Thanksgiving day.
Podcast Season 4 Episode 04 – Thankful
The origin of Thanksgiving is something that doesn’t always come up in the most factual of ways. A general overview often stated in most history lessons is that native americans helped the Plymouth colonists. And,… that is true. To a degree.
In fact the more you look into it, the further it flows from the modern aspects that seem so traditional.
Hello, I’m Mario, the Artisan Rogue, welcome back to Radio74.
So with that lead in, one could surmise that I would be going into the history of Thanksgiving. Well I’m not. As I sit here with the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special playing on my AppleTV, my mind wanders over to thoughts past and present.
Now, I know I started off talking about the Thanksgiving as a holiday, but for me, it’s grown to be something else. Of course it’s a time to gather with the important ones in your life, to spend time with them, to reflect back upon the days past, and the days ahead.
But something that I had always ignored, was the present when it came to this particular day. Speaking from a personal point, I used to take so many things for granted in life. Or maybe I’d not take the time to just be in the moment, and relish how alive I would feel.
Now, I’m coming at this as someone who has been lucky enough to have family and friends throughout most all holidays, present in my life. I used to be the sort of person that would get massive anxiety and just feel overwhelmed at the idea of having to prepare to be social.
I’m a fairly social person, but when there’s an accompanying amount of hub bub, well, I get a very Charlie Brown sized sort of worry that begins to grow in me.
But this year is different isn’t it?
Like this past Halloween holiday, things seem a bit more muted, reserved, and even sparse.
I took to looking on Twitter and some other social media to get the feelings of the day, and aside from the ire that was either directed at political circus shenanigans or the absolutely ba-nay-nay mess of a launch for the PlayStation5, the majority of posts,… seemed well… light hearted, if not supportive, and thankful.
As I stare over at the monitor and watch the last few segments of the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special play out, I feel this emotion of grateful hope begin to slowly blossom.
Is it maybe a false path lit by the promise of a year coming ever closer to and end? Or is it maybe a wistful and older me, wishing for things to be better for everyone?
Washing the static from my head, I removed my glasses and rubbed my eyes. They’ve felt worn and heavy for some time.
Looking down at my phone, I think to all the people I’ve not seen in some time, the art shows, the places I miss. Even my contractor’s desk at Hallmark.
But I realize, it’s a gratefulness that is residing in me, that most of us, have made it this far. I am thankful that the world did not completely go to hell this year.
That’s such an odd way to look at it right? I’m not crazy for thinking that way am I?
I mean, I really wanted to be able to sit down, and think about just the people that matter to me, and the happiness that I do have in my life.
But, what I’m most thankful for, is that there is a tomorrow, that will follow this present moment. And for a little while, I can sit here, comfortable, safe, and hopeful.
And what I’m most hopeful for, is that someday, all people of all walks of life, will be able to have time with family, with loved ones, and that the worries, the fears, the sadness that have crossed our paths, that have shaped us, and changed us,… will be easier to traverse.
Because I hope that, and this is going to sound very hippy dippy, the very differences we have, will be a foundation that we all can unite around someday.
Life, by it’s very nature, isn’t easy. Not for the vast majority of us.
I’m thankful for the days ahead, whatever may come. And I’m grateful for the ones in my life that walk along with me on this path of life, for whatever time we have, to whatever end.
Thank you for listening. Have a happy holiday, and take the time to slow down and appreciate all you have, and all that you are.
I’m Mario, the Artisan Rogue, you can find me on all the social media sites, under, the artisan rogue.
Until next time, take care.

Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Radio74: Season 4 Episode 3 - Growing up and change
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
I've had to sometime re-shoot and re-edit YouTube videos, but this podcast finally made it up, three recording sessions later. I just had one hell of a time getting my mind straight on the subject of Growing up and Change. I hope you all enjoy this new one.

Friday Nov 13, 2020
Radio74: Season 4 Episode 2 - Even human kids eat weird things...
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Sometimes I wonder if the things I think about late at night, even deserve as much thought as I put into them. So here's a podcast on the fact that some people want to cancel culture the tiny Yoda in pop culture. All because he ate some eggs.
We live in a very strange and odd time you know that?