
Tuesday Nov 03, 2015
AR Podcast 0013 Fandoms, are they really all that different?
Tuesday Nov 03, 2015
Tuesday Nov 03, 2015
Today, a massive outpouring of love and celebration happened today in the streets of Kansas City. No we didn't cure cancer. No, we didn't abolish the banking system. No, we did not even forgive student loans. The Royals won the World Series and a massive parade and shenanigans were held in joyous occasion, that I believe may be on par with the zaniness that may happen when Episode 7 of Star Wars comes out. That's different you say? I'm not so sure...

Thursday Oct 01, 2015
AR Podcast 0012 Fan Art the dirty secret we all know.
Thursday Oct 01, 2015
Thursday Oct 01, 2015
The whole big elephant in the room issue of Fan Art was making itself known in a spade of posts across Twitter and Facebook among a lot of my fellow art and comic creator friends. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Is the House of Mouse really beginning to start cracking down on people making and selling unlicensed/bootleg creations? Is this another focal point borne of the growing aspect of popularization of geek culture?
I also note in my podcast about a great local show coming up this very weekend in Lawrence Kansas, FreeState, now celebrating it's TENTH year of keeping the indie spirit of comic shows that actually have comic creators and books and toy collections as the main draw! It's happening this weekend on Saturday, October 3, 2015, children 12 and under are FREE! Everyone else is just $5! The show will be from 10am - 5pm at Douglas County Fairgrounds, 2110 Harper St, Building #21, Lawrence, Kansas!

Sunday Sep 20, 2015
AR Podcast 0011 PTO
Sunday Sep 20, 2015
Sunday Sep 20, 2015
How much time do you allow yourself in your day to day regime to stop and smell the roses? Daily life makes us feel that we need to get to our goals as fast as possible, and for some like myself who are professed work-a-holics, it can be an overwhelming and very draining way to live, and yet have hope that you'll have the energy to spend time with family, personal projects, and working bit by bit towards future goals. What can I say, it's a Sunday afternoon right before the dreaded Monday workday for this Rogue, I got a lot on my mind that turned into a podcast.

Saturday Sep 19, 2015
AR Podcast 0010 Little Raven Haired Girl - Demo
Saturday Sep 19, 2015
Saturday Sep 19, 2015
The song was originally to have been published/released alongside my first collection of poetry "Rogue Words: Age, Beauty, and Innocence Lost", but I was still working on the lyrics at that time. This is the latest demo version of it, and it's still a work in progress. Music is something I've only ever dabbled in. I have little to no formal training in it, but a huge appreciation of it. This was one of the rare occasions that has yielded any sort of song that came out of my poetry writing. Inspiration is a strange thing when it hits, and I love the randomness it can inspire.

Sunday Sep 06, 2015
AR Podcast 0009 Force Friday
Sunday Sep 06, 2015
Sunday Sep 06, 2015
Force Friday. The moment new stuff rolled out at Toys R Us and a lot of other retailers at 12:01 am on Thursday the 4th of Sept. It was also the moment a lot of hardcore Star Wars fans got together in anticipation. Was it worth the wait in line and the zombie mental state at work the next day?
Check out the full blog entry on the Rogue Hobbyist with photos and listen along with the podcast here: Force Friday: Am I getting too old for this? Nah!

Tuesday Sep 01, 2015
AR Podcast 0008 KC ZineCon Thoughts
Tuesday Sep 01, 2015
Tuesday Sep 01, 2015
The inaugural show of KC ZineCon was what I attended this past weekend. So what were my overall thoughts on this new show? Give a listen, and hear how I began to understand more of what I never really knew that much about. In so many ways.
For further info and images, check out my blog post on this show at: http://theartisanrogue.blogspot.com/2015/08/kc-zine-con.html

Thursday Aug 27, 2015
AR Podcast 0007 the Piano
Thursday Aug 27, 2015
Thursday Aug 27, 2015
It's an old story, man meets piano on street while walking dog, dog thinks man is crazy and will get mugged attempting to play piano at 11pm on a city street, piano gets embarrassed. We all know that story... or do we?

Thursday Aug 27, 2015
AR Podcast 0006 Ego
Thursday Aug 27, 2015
Thursday Aug 27, 2015
Ego is such a bad thing. Or is it? Everyone has one, even those of us that are introverted wall flowers. But it's all about finding that balance like anything in life. Special thanks to Darren Shaolz who suggested the subject via email. If you've got something you'd like to hear about, drop me an email at mario@mariomora.net.

Sunday Aug 23, 2015
AR Podcast 0005 Art Sales
Sunday Aug 23, 2015
Sunday Aug 23, 2015
Some quick advice and experiences on selling art, making money, and most importantly, selling yourself as a professional artist worthy of investment.

Sunday Aug 16, 2015
AR Podcast 0004 Gender Target
Sunday Aug 16, 2015
Sunday Aug 16, 2015
So people got mad at Target recently because they decided to remove gender based allocation and division of toys in retail displays. In other words, they made people think. I didn't want to take this subject on, but as a toy collector and someone that believes children should be given free reign to imagine and stretch the mind especially with toys, I just had to weigh in.